Donate Now to Protect Newton's Environment image

Donate Now to Protect Newton's Environment

Give today to make an impact in your own community!


Help Green Newton Build a Sustainable Future -- Give Today!

Massachusetts is warming at an alarming rate, faster than the global average. This past year, we’ve watched as hurricanes and tornadoes devastated the South. And here at home, we endured droughts and sweltering heat waves, with temperatures hitting historic highs.

The impact of climate change is no longer a distant threat. It’s here. It’s now. And it’s only getting worse.

But there is real hope. When we work together, our individual efforts have a greater impact, and our collective efforts can make a world of difference to our Newton community... and to the next generation.

Although the match deadline has passed, your donation today will still make a big difference to Newton's environment!

Your gift today will:

  • Inform and inspire Newton residents and city officials to take action to eliminate fossil fuels and adopt clean energy technologies like heat pumps, solar panels, electric vehicles, and advanced weatherization.
  • Help advance cutting-edge technologies, like our pilot project for networked geothermal — an innovative technology that can revolutionize energy efficiency here in Newton, and beyond.
  • Promote stronger local building standards that will electrify homes and significantly cut energy use.
  • Provide free resources to our community, including our weekly e-newsletter and a range of public events to advocate, inform and educate our community to take action to protect our environment.

Please take a moment to donate right now!

With your generous gift of $25 or more you will help create a sustainable future, and become a Green Newton member.